Tips for a fun Winery + Baby Outing!
Well, hello there! I'm Rebecca and--- ok, I just wanted to say "Hi!" and "I'm back!" after a little R&R&W (Rest and Relaxation and Wine...duh!) in Ocean City with the fam the past few days. I hope everyone had a great weekend and, at the very least, got some W!
Today I'm going to talk a little about a subject that is near and dear to my heart: babies and wineries.
Y'all, they are a match made in heaven!
Now, if you don't have kids, don't plan on having kids, or your kids are already taller than you, file this away. For someday. For a friend. For your fur-baby!

Q chillin' on a gorgeous balcony overlooking the vines
The Social Wino's Tips for a Fun Winery + Baby Outing
Drive during nap time
Most wineries open at 11am or noon. I like to plan for the bulk of my driving to be around a nap time (there, back, or both depending on the number of naps your child takes). By the time you get to the winery, your little one will be well rested and ready for fun...just like you!
Pack snacks and a lunch
Many wineries will let you bring snacks or a lunch to eat with your wine! Check ahead of time to see if this applies to any wineries you plan to visit. If you plan to visit multiple wineries but only one allows food, plan on heading to that one around lunch time.
Check the winery's website to see if it seems kid friendly
Some wineries are very kid friendly and will say so on their website. Others value a more adult experience and might not be the best place for an outing with children. Look in the FAQs or "About Us" sections to see if you can get a feel for the vibe of the winery.
Be prepared to be outdoors...yay!
As an urbanite living in a large apartment complex, I prize highly any chance for myself or my child to be out in nature. Wineries are awesome for this! I usually bring a picnic blanket, a ball or two, sunscreen, a hat, bug spray, water, and anything else you might pack for a day in the great outdoors. You can, of course, visit a winery with a child and stay inside... however I find that, along with the benefits of just being outside, children are happier when they can roam (and roar) free!
Try to go on a weekday
If you have the ability to visit a winery on a weekday, do it! They are much less crowded and you will usually get a more personalized, patient, and tailored experience. If the weekend works best for you, try to get there right when the winery opens- the busiest times, at most places, are mid to late afternoon.
Always make sure you have a DD
Know your limits. Trade-off being the DD with a friend each time you go! And remember, you usually drink a lot more during a tasting than you think you do- so either enjoy to the fullest and let someone else drive or make good use of those spit/dump containers. (Don't worry, no one will be offended- we "pros" use them all the time!)

Q watching the horses at a vineyard. Vineyards will often have animals- kids love this!
Taking your child, niece/nephew, grand-kid, baby whom you nanny to a winery can be a fun, relaxing, enjoyable outing. Follow these simple steps and load up the car right now!
If you have any questions, email me or write them in the comment section. I'd be happy to help you make your trip the best it can be.
Now, off to find my Go-Vino Cup and sunscreen for the pool- it's going to be a scorcher today!
Until next time...